10 Invisalign Facts from an Invisalign Orthodontist

Invisalign orthodontist

At Orthodontics Limited, we have dedicated specialists who are experienced in Invisalign braces. These aligners are chosen by many people who need orthodontic treatment for their ease of use and because they are hard to be seen by others.

Our Invisalign orthodontists have prepared some interesting facts for you! If you are on the fence about getting invisible aligners, this article might give you the boost to make a decision.

Here are 10 Invisalign facts from our orthodontists at Orthodontics Limited!

1. They are Removable

Invisalign braces are removable- unlike traditional wire and bracket braces. This means that you can eat or drink whatever you want, as long as you take the invisible aligners out of your mouth first. You can also normally brush your teeth, floss, and use mouth wash with them out.

This adds convenience for many adults. There are no changes to your diet that need to be made while you are going through treatment. This is one of the main reasons why this style of aligners is recommended so often in dentist orthodontics.

2. You Do Not Need a Specialist to Adjust Them

With traditional braces, your orthodontist will set appointments for you to come in and have the wires tightened and adjusted. However, with these clear aligners, your Invisalign orthodontist will simply send you the next tray of aligners.

Every time you get another pair of Invisalign braces, they are adjusted to continue moving your teeth in the right direction. This eliminates the need for a specialist to adjust the treatment in person.

While using the invisible aligners, your Invisalign orthodontist might still ask you to come in to check the progress- but it is much less often than with traditional braces.

3. They are Made from Thermoplastic

Did you know that Invisalign is made from a type of thermoplastic material? This means that they were once pliable at a high temperature, but have cooled and solidified. This material holds its shape even in the elevated temperatures of your mouth.

In short, you do not need to worry about the shape of the aligners getting thrown off as you wear them.

4. You Wear them All Day

Our Invisalign orthodontists recommend that you wear the invisible aligners for at least 20 hours every day, meaning that you also need to wear them while you sleep.

This still leaves 4 hours where you can take them off- preferably when you are eating or cleaning your teeth. The longer that you leave them on, the more effective the treatment.

This means that you can complete the process faster, as when the aligners are not worn for the minimum amount of time, you can not achieve the proper results in the expected time frame.

5. You Will Need a Retainer

After you complete the treatment, your Invisalign orthodontist will send you a clear retainer. It is similar to the last Invisalign tray you completed. You will want to keep these on at night, so that your teeth do not revert to their original, out of place, positions.

If you stop wearing your retainer prematurely, the effects of the treatment might be undone. Ask your orthodontist about when it is alright to stop wearing them. However, you can expect to need a retainer for a good while.

6. Your Orthodontist will Target Certain Teeth

Invisalign braces are designed to only move a few teeth at a time. The Invisalign orthodontist will determine which teeth to move when they create your treatment plan. They have been trained in the system the aligners use and know how to accurately create a plan that will be efficient for you.

This is because the aligners use force and time to move the teeth- you do not want to have too much pressure in your mouth as it is uncomfortable and makes it harder for you to complete the treatment successfully.

7. Many People use Them

It might be hard to tell because they are clear, but many people have gone through the treatment process.

Over 1,000,000 patients around the world are using Invisalign braces!

8. How to Clean Invisalign

Invisalign braces are much easier to clean than wires and brackets. Remove the aligners and use a clear soap to brush them in cold water. Many people also clean their Invisalign trays by soaking them in white vinegar and warm tap water for 15 minutes. You will want to rinse them thoroughly with cool water before putting them back in your mouth.

Many patients also ask us if they can soak their aligners in mouthwash. We recommend that you do not do this, as the mouthwash can discolor them and are too harsh on the material.

9. They are More Comfortable than Braces

Many patients have stated that they enjoyed the invisible aligners more than braces, as they were more comfortable. They also appreciated not having to worry about wires snapping and poking at the insides of their mouths.

Invisalign is a top choice among many adults because of their comfort and ease of use. Although you can expect some discomfort with any orthodontic treatment, Invisalign is much less painful than the other methods.

10. Aligners are not Just for Kids

It may surprise you that 1 in 5 of our orthodontic patients is over the age of 18- since many people believe that only children and young teens can successfully move their teeth. This is not true, as Invisalign braces have been proven successful in patients of any age.

Only 35% of adults have front teeth that are aligned correctly. Overcrowding and bad bites can cause you problems and since Invisalign is so easy to use, why not give it a shot?


Those were 10 Invisalign facts! If you are worried at all about going through with your orthodontic treatment, we want to help. Invisible aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces, are easier to clean, and you do not need to change your diet- all great reasons to try them!