Invisalign Aligners For Teens

Invisalign Teen vs Braces

Straight, even teeth are more than a privilege; they are almost a necessity for success in our world. Unfortunately, most of us are not born with those teeth. Fortunately, orthodontic work and a few years of commitment can bring those straight, beautiful teeth to anyone.

Considering that the straightening process is best done while the patient is in adolescence, braces are a rite of passage for many teens in Philadelphia, and indeed across the United States. A generation ago, the only choices were between metal braces and metal braces with colored bands. Now, there are entirely new options, including Invisalign, which is essentially unnoticeable to others.

The typical process for installing braces is having metal brackets cemented to your teeth, and then going in for periodic adjustments where rubber bands, wires, or external hardware (such as headgear) are used to slowly pull teeth into the correct position. After your teeth have reached that point, the metal brackets are removed and you are fitted with a retainer, which can be removed but helps your teeth maintain the corrected shape. Invisalign simplifies this process by skipping the metal bracket stage all together.

Nowadays, a teen will go in and get a clear plastic aligner that slides over the teeth. Periodically, they will return to the orthodontist for a new aligner that slowly forces the teeth into shape. Instead of metal brackets marring their smile, now they have an invisible aligner correcting their bite. Frankly, as someone who sported the glorious metal brackets for untold years, I’m a little jealous!

But, before you call to setup an appointment, there are additional considerations to weigh. Invisalign can definitely be more expensive than traditional braces. The process is not as simple as metal braces; with metal braces, you are fitted and then the braces are on until Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg removes them. With Invisalign, you have to remember to wear your aligner, and be consistent in putting it in to reach full results.

However, remember the downsides to traditional braces — no metal brackets means never having to suffer through sharp edges cutting up your gums. Your smile will never be marred by cemented-on pieces of metal, and indeed no one has to know that you are going through the straightening process, as the clear aligners are invisible to the naked eye.

When choosing an Invisalign provider within Philadelphia, take into consideration both the skills, certifications and reputation of the providing orthodontist, as well as the location of the doctor. Here at Orthodontics Limited, Drs. Gemmi and Middleberg are Top 1% providers of Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. While location may seem an unnecessary consideration, remember that during the process you will have to be returning to the doctor as often as every two weeks. We have 2 convenient locations for you to choose from. You will want to make sure your doctor is convenient in location to your school, work and/or social activities. Remember, part of the point of Invisalign is getting your teeth straightened without having a damaging effect on your life. Choosing someone that requires an hours trek across town for each aligner is not going to be an easy fit in your life!

Cost is also a consideration, so you’ll want to see if your mother or father has insurance that will cover all or a piece of the procedures. You can try contacting your insurance provider and seeing if they offer coverage for Invisalign.

Have you looked for Invisalign reviews? Talk to your friends, have any of them gotten their teeth straightened? Have you noticed anyone at school whose smile has been improving, or seen someone remove an aligner from their mouth during lunch? Chances are, you already know someone who is going through the straightening process. See what they think of their orthodontist. Ask if the orthodontist is friendly, concerned with their well-being and takes time to address any issues each appointment. Any form of teeth straightening can be a little painful at times as your teeth are moved into place. A good provider will offer you suggestions for dealing with this and be open to addressing any and all concerns.

In addition, you can try searching for Invisalign reviews of the provider on websites such as Yelp or Google reviews. See what other people think of this orthodontist. You want to select someone who you can trust, and who will take good care of your smile. After you have done this investigating, go back to your parents. You can prove to them that you can handle the responsibility of this process by explaining the research you have done. Although the process can be expensive, you can show them the considerations you have taken regarding insurance and research, and explain that a good smile is one of the first things people notice about others. Once you have convinced them, book your first appointment and let the process start. Straight teeth are on your way!

Invisalign Top 1% Provider


If you still can’t decide after reading Invisalign Reviews… We highly recommend that you choose an orthodontist that has top 1% elite status with Invisalign and is 2014 Top Dentist according to Philly Mag.