Why Invisalign for Adults Is an Ideal Option for Straighter Teeth

Many adults that did not have braces as a child (or did, but all of the alignment issues were not completely rectified or new ones arose as you grew into an adult) that there is an easy solution if they are still in search of straighter teeth.

Crooked teeth can be a confidence-killer, even if you really do have a beautiful smile, but many people find having braces as an adult equally mortifying. While the truth is that having braces shouldn’t and usually isn’t embarrassing, most adults want a different option. That option is Invisalign. Philadelphia residents can find a number of qualified Invisalign providers in the city, but none have more certifications, experience, or have more Invisalign patients than Drs. Gemmi and Middleberg.

About 20% of all orthodontic patients are adults. While your teeth might be more firmly rooted in their place than if you were an eleven-year-old getting braces, it is still entirely possible to move your teeth into a more functional and aesthetically pleasing alignment.

If the braces themselves, rather than whether or not it is still possible to move your teeth, is your issue, Invisalign Philadelphia providers like our doctors can give you a solution that is nearly invisible and works just as well as braces. Here are just some of the reasons why Invisalign for adults is the right choice for those considering orthodontic treatment for crooked teeth.

1. Invisalign is less noticeable.

Though most people start off their Invisalign treatment just as self-conscious about whether or not someone can see their aligners as if they were actually wearing metal braces, the truth is that no one will be able to tell you are wearing them unless you tell them you are. During the first few days of wearing the aligners, you will probably notice it is more difficult to speak, but your mouth will adjust to the extra bulk around your teeth. This solution is far less noticeable than having metal or even clear braces and wire across the front of your teeth.

2. More convenient.

Maintaining your Invisalign aligner and your teeth is much easier than if you had metal braces. While you should still brush your teeth after eating and before putting your aligners back in, this process is far less complicated and protracted than if you had brackets and wires. You can simply pop them out, eat your meal, brush your teeth thoroughly, and then pop them back in and get on with your treatment.

3. No food gets stuck in your aligners.

One of the number on complaints about braces is that they are constantly collecting food, even if you can’t feel it hiding in your brackets or wire. The position and the construction of the brackets makes them highly likely to collect little pieces of food. The same cannot be said about Invisalign aligners, especially because you can remove them to eat, which is not something that you can do with any other type of braces.

4. Less discomfort.

Because your aligners usually straighten your teeth more gradually, our Invisalign Philadelphia patients usually find that they experience less discomfort, less often than our patients who are wearing metal brackets and wires. Because the adjustment period is much shorter (because there are no rough brackets or edges to the aligners, there are fewer mouth sores and related issues with Invisalign, which, again, reduces the patient’s discomfort. Whether you are a busy parent or a busy professional, having less pain and discomfort can be a serious benefit.

5. Can treat moderate and some severe cases.

While most people believe Invisalign to be appropriate only for mild misalignments, when you work with a skilled orthodontist like those in our office, we can develop a treatment program that is as effective for treating moderate and even some severe issues as they are at treating only aesthetic misalignments.

6. Fewer appointments.

While Invisalign does, of course, require you to meet with Dr. Middleberg or Dr. Gemmi, you will likely have fewer appointments than those wearing braces. Why? Because unlike brackets and wires that can break or be jolted out of alignment, there are very few issues that can go wrong with your Invisalign aligners. This is largely due to the fact that you only wear your aligners for about two weeks before you switch to a new set. In those two weeks, it is unlikely you will have any serious problems, reducing the number of emergency visits you will have to schedule.

Why Bother With Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult?

By the time most people reach adulthood, they believe it is too late to worry about straightening their teeth. They have already started schooling, careers, family, and it just seems like there is no time left over for the treatments that most people get when they are pre-teens or teenagers. The truth is, however, that getting Invisalign (or even just regular braces) when you are an adult can improve several aspects of your life. Having a straighter smile doesn’t just make you more beautiful or handsome, it can also boost your confidence levels and help you connect better with other people.

The biggest reason, however, is that fixing misalignments, crowding, and other issues can improve the function of your jaw and prevent more serious problems down the line. If you are suffer from TMJ issues, find that a crowded area of your mouth is more prone to cavities than other areas, or are just tired of not being completely pleased with your smile, adult orthodontic treatment can help!