Stay Prepared To Take Great Care Of Your Braces

IF YOU JUST STARTED wearing braces, you might have noticed a pesky problem: food tends to get caught between the brackets. We know it can be annoying. Even more than annoying, it can be damaging and may even lead to decay.

Cleaning your teeth frequently—even when you’re on the go—can help you avoid problems.

Be Prepared With The Right Tools

It pays to be prepared. Here are some items that can be handy to have with you at all times:

  • toothpick, flosspick, or other interdental cleaners
  • travel toothbrush
  • a water bottle or a mini bottle of mouth rinse
  • orthodontic wax to help with discomfort from misbehaving wires
  • a small mirror for examining and making sure the coast is clear

Putting all of these items together in a “braces/oral hygiene kit” may be wise. There are even pre-made braces kits that you can buy.

Making A Habit Of Regular Care Now Will Benefit You Later 

Taking care of your teeth while out and about is important—whether you wear an appliance or not. You can use these tools now, and even after you finish your orthodontic treatment.

When you DO get your braces off, make sure to add your retainer case to your oral hygiene kit. That way you’ll have all the tools you need to maintain your improved smile AND you’ll be less likely to lose your case.

Brushing And Flossing With Braces

To Our “Seasoned” Orthodontic Patients, What Advice Do You Have?

What items would you long-time, braces-wearing pros add to the above list? Do you have any tips that make your life with braces easier? Share your expertise in the comments below or on our Facebook page! And if you ever have any questions about your treatment, always call us!

Thank you for being our wonderful patients. We appreciate you!