How to Know Whether Your Child Needs a Pediatric Orthodontist or Dentist

Pediatric Orthodontist

Some people assume you won’t need to get your child orthodontic treatment until they are teenagers. However, this is not the case. Many children under 13 need orthodontic care to strengthen their teeth, reduce pain, and help their adult teeth grow properly. There are certain signs parents can look out for to help determine if their child needs a pediatric orthodontist or dentist.

Please continue reading to learn the signs of dental problems in your child and what you can do to resolve the problem. Neglecting dental issues and children can cause bigger issues in the future, and our guide can help you avoid that situation.

Your Child Experiences Oral Pain

If your child expresses mouth pain, you should immediately take them to a pediatric dentist. Otherwise, the pain could worsen and make it difficult for your child to complete daily activities, including eating. This situation could also symbolize that your child is dealing with a serious infection that needs immediate treatment.

Even when your child still has their baby teeth, they can experience tooth decay which can cause lasting damage to the gums. Children can also be accident-prone so you might be dealing with a cracked tooth they earned from playtime. Either way, visiting a pediatric dentist is necessary to resolve the problem and prevent it from worsening.

Your Child Has Trouble Eating Certain Foods

If your child complains about pain or discomfort when biting down under food, they might have a dental problem. Cavities are common among children because they love sweets and sometimes neglect to brush their teeth properly. These cavities can cause great pain for your child and make them sensitive to hard or cold food.

If you want your child to eat a healthy diet, you need to resolve their dental issues immediately by visiting a pediatric orthodontist or dentist. When your child has trouble eating certain foods, it will steer them away from eating the food entirely. This can be big trouble for a child because they need nutrients to grow.

You Notice Your Child has Crowded or Overlapping Teeth

Misaligned teeth aren’t always a serious problem because kids grow a lot as they age, and sometimes the team straightens out as they grow. However, you should still play it safe and visit an orthodontist to ensure that your child’s mouth is fine. Some children need braces or aligners early so their adult teeth can grow properly after the baby teeth fall out.

If your child has a mild case of misaligned teeth, then they can be resolved within a few months using aligners and reduce the pain your child may experience. More severe cases of misaligned teeth might require braces, but it’s still better than letting them develop with the problem. There are a few main causes for overlapping that you need to look out for.

If you had overlapping teeth as a child, then it’s pretty likely your child will also develop this problem. Also, if you notice your child sucking their thumb a lot, you should stop the behavior as soon as possible because this will cause overlapping teeth. When your child’s teeth overlap, it can cause great pain while eating and drinking.

Your Child Has Bloody Gums

Bloody gums can be caused by loss of teeth, inflammation, or poor hygiene practices. For example, if your kid isn’t brushing as much as they tell you they are, then plaque will build up and cause their gums to bleed. Also, loss of teeth can be a concern if they’re not lost naturally, and you should always take your kids to a pediatric dentist in this situation.

In severe situations, your child might develop gum disease, so you should take your child to a dentist as soon as you notice bloody gums. The last thing you want to do is allow the problem to get out of hand because it could cause your child unnecessary pain and can hurt your wallet.

Regular Dental Check-Ups For Your Child

To avoid dental problems, you should bring a child to a pediatric dentist or orthodontist every six months. During these checkups, the dentist will clean their teeth, monitor their oral development, and check for any major problems. Regular dental checkups are a fantastic way to keep your child safe from any dental damage that could last years.

After your child’s first dental visit after their first birthday, you don’t have to bring them back in until their baby teeth start. You should perform regular dental checkups when your child turns four years old and has most of their baby teeth. After the age of four, dental checkups should occur once every six months for the rest of their life.

Oral Health and Sleeping

The way your child sleeps can speak volumes about their oral health. For example, if you notice teeth grinding, mouth breathing at night, Or any other abnormal behavior, you need to take them to an oral health specialist. When children grind their teeth, it can cause damage to their teeth and constant pain in their jaw.

If your child sleeps and mouth breathes at night, this could indicate an illness or concern about how much bacteria enters your child’s oral cavity. When a child sleeps with their mouth open, it can wear out that issue of their guns and affect the bacteria in the mouth. When there is a bacteria imbalance in the mouth, it could cause tooth decay and cavities.

Final Thoughts

Children will need to see a pediatric dentist or orthodontist throughout their lives if you want to keep their teeth healthy. Even if your child has no symptoms of mouth pain, discomfort, or other issues, you should still visit the dentist twice a year after your child turns four.

Treating your child’s oral health issues before they become a severe problem is the best way to keep them comfortable, safe, and save money. Neglecting dental problems can cause lasting pain in your child and make it difficult for them to perform daily activities.