5 Coronavirus Parenting Challenges & How to Solve Them

coronavirus parenting

During the pandemic, coronavirus parenting has become a concern for many adults. There are many challenges to overcome such as getting a young child to keep their mask on in public, setting up the home for online schooling, or figuring out the best way to complete virtual check-ups.

Some aspects of parenting during the pandemic can be more difficult than others, however, there are ways to make it easier. These are the challenges we have been noticing with coronavirus parenting and how you can solve them.

Challenge 1: Issues with Orthodontic Treatment or Pain

Solution: Virtual Orthodontist

During the pandemic, a trip to the orthodontist’s office with your child might not be able to happen. If your child is having issues with their braces or Invisalign pain, then what can you do?

A virtual orthodontic treatment might be the best way to get your child the care they need. If you ignore problems with their teeth or treatment process, then it is only going to get worse from there. With our virtual appointments, you could easily have a check-up for your child from the comfort of your home.

Not only would this save you from making the trip to the practice, but it would also allow you to continue to practice social distancing and staying safe- plus, these appointments are much shorter online so that your child’s day can go back to normal with little interruption.

On the other hand, if you think your child needs orthodontic treatment, we can easily assess their oral health through our online system. That way, we can determine if we think that treatment would be the best option for them.

Staying caught up on your health and your child’s health during the pandemic can be a challenge, but it important that you do your best to overcome it. We want to help you get the care you need, virtual orthodontic treatment can be an easy way to do so.

Challenge 2: Schedule Issues

Solution: Make Days Consistent

With everyone staying home more and schools turning to remote learning, it can be very difficult for your child to keep their schedule together. One of the best ways that you can help them overcome this challenge is to make every day consistent.

Create a daily routine for your child that includes a mix of school and fun. Be sure to keep them on a consistent sleeping schedule and let them take breaks during the day. Outdoor activities help stimulate children’s ability to learn and lets them blow off some steam, which can further help with focus.

Not having a daily schedule during the pandemic can have kids turning to a “summertime” pattern early, making it harder for them to focus on their schoolwork. In short, a daily routine can help you can child greatly during these stressful times.

Challenge 3: My Child is Feeling Lonely

Solution: Encourage Social Activities Online

You might notice that your child is starting to feel anxious or lonely at home. This can happen to adults too, but we often know who we can reach out to for communication. You can help keep your child socially engaged by encouraging them to use technology.

Using software to talk to their friends or play games over the internet with them is a great way to help your child when they miss talking to their peers. Talking online with others comes naturally to many children, as they are growing up surrounded by all this new technology.

For younger kids who can not be left alone while using the internet, you can participate in calling family members and friends. Zoom is a good tool for video chatting with many people at once- making it a platform for holding social gatherings with your child.

Challenge 4: Child is Not Motivated

Solution: Set Goals and Rewards

Since your child has been learning from home instead of at school, you might have also noticed that their motivation to do their work is dropping. This can be because our lives changed drastically very suddenly and your child is having trouble adjusting.

Setting up goals and rewards for completing them can help encourage your child and reignite their desire to learn. For example, maybe a movie night after completing a project they have been putting off, or their favorite snack for turning in an assignment on time.

Small rewards can go a long way in encouraging your child. Plus, if you can get all of your family to achieve these goals, then your child will see that you can work as a team. This is especially so if you engage in the small rewards together and take breaks from school or remote work as a family.

Soon, you will notice that your child’s motivation to learn is returning and that they want to work hard to meet their set goals for the day.

Challenge 5: My Child is Anxious About the Pandemic

Solution: Answer their Questions

Children often ask a lot of questions, this is normal. However, you might not feel equipped to answer every single thing that they want to know about the pandemic. If you notice that your child is anxious about the situation, take some time to research the virus and lockdown procedures, then open yourself up to answering any questions.

Some children have many concerns about the pandemic, others are happy to spend time indoors playing or doing their own thing. If your child is anxious and approaches you with questions, be sure that you answer their questions calmly.

Kids can tell when you are anxious and it can make it harder to reassure them. Be sure to be straight forward with them and let them know the answers to their questions- it will help them to feel a lot better.


Coronavirus parenting can be a challenge in itself, however, there are solutions to any problem that you could encounter out there. Hopefully, this guide was able to provide you with some insight into what can do at home.