We Are an Invisalign Diamond+ Top 1% 2020 Provider

Invisalign Diamond+ providers

You’ve probably heard of Invisalign. The groundbreaking orthodontic aligners have been changing the way that orthodontists have approached dental correction for years. These clear, removable aligners straighten your teeth overtime, without using permanent braces.

Perfect for adults who want subtle correction, Invisalign’s innovative technology works with your mouth to provide quality orthodontics treatments and orthodontic care without the restrictions that may occur with metal braces.

Orthodontics Limited is an Invisalign Diamond+ Provider

At Orthodontics Limited, P.C., we pride ourselves on being Invisalign Diamond+ providers due to our commitment to working with the Invisalign system. This award is given by Invisalign in order to highlight orthodontists who have become experts in their innovative treatment system.

The only way to be awarded this distinction is through repeated successful treatments for patients. This guarantees that the orthodontist you choose to work with is distinctively aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the Invisalign system. Working with an Invisalign provider can give you the confidence you need to take the next step in correcting alignment problems.

Making lasting choices such as taking the steps to realign your smile can be expensive, and orthodontic intervention is a longterm bodily change. When making a choice between standard braces and orthodontic aligners such as Invisalign, the Invisalign Diamond+ highlights the top 1% of providers who have made the decision to become experts in this innovative system.

Is Invisalign Right for Me?

The Invisalign system is a tool used by orthodontists who develop custom-made retainers that can be an alternative to traditional metal braces, and in some cases, can provide an alternative to jaw surgeries. They are popular with adults or teens who want a more subtle approach to straightening teeth. Whether you didn’t have orthodontic work done as a child, you don’t want to make dietary changes for traditional braces, or you have had alignment changes over time as an adult, the Invisalign treatment may provide you the flexibility in options you desire.

The aligners attach through virtually invisible enamel-colored ridges that do not force the wearer to make the same changes to lifestyle or diet that traditional braces require. Because Invisalign aligners can be removed from your mouth, eating is as easy as popping it out. You don’t have to worry about the standard metal brackets cutting up your lip or popping off of your tooth if you bite into something hard.

The truly custom fit of the Invisalign system can fix orthodontic issues ranging from extreme spacing to twisted teeth, and can ease pain in your jaw or neck caused by misalignment. Invisalign is a versatile product that can fit the needs of a large range of patients who may be reluctant to use traditional braces.

How Does an Orthodontics Office Become a Diamond+ Provider?

By creating a system of standards that allows Invisalign to highlight talented, reputable orthodontists, you can be sure that you are picking an orthodontist that fits your needs.

To be highlighted by Invisalign, orthodontists have to be evaluated, and can be placed into four separate groups. These categorizations are affiliated with the number of Invisalign patients the orthodontist treats in a year. From Preferred, Premier, Premier Elite, and Diamond, a customer is able to make an informed decision about the level of comfort their orthodontist has with Invisalign.

Top level experience providers are considered Diamond providers. To become a Diamond+ Provider, the orthodontist in question needs to treat 280 to 399 Invisalign patients a year, guaranteeing a deep familiarity with Invisalign products.

The most important standard, however, is the lifetime number of Invisalign patients. A Diamond level orthodontist has to have worked with over 800 Invisalign patients over the years, giving them critical experience in the field.

Should You Go to an Invisalign Diamond Provider?

It’s understandable to question the difference in the level of experience between a Preferred orthodontist and a Diamond+ Provider. Preferred Invisalign orthodontists are recognized by the Invisalign company and are reputable. However, if you intend to focus on an Invisalign treatment, experience working with the product is invaluable.

While Invisalign can give wonderful, high level results for certain alignment issues, underlying alignment issues or slight variations of specific issues may not be inherently corrected by the Invisalign system. Different outcomes require different tools, and by choosing a specialist in the Invisalign system, you’re choosing to work with a provider who knows which tools will achieve lasting, satisfactory results.

Choosing an Invisalign Diamond+ Provider

Orthodontics Limited is one of only three practices in Pennsylvania to achieve Diamond Provider status or Top 1% status through using the Invisalign system. Since 2014, Orthodontics Limited has been recognized as one of the top 1% of providers, and in 2018, we became a Diamond Provider.

By this date, Orthodontics Limited has treated over two thousand patients using the Invisalign system. Our doctors Pale, Gemmi, and Middleberg are have also received their certification from the American Board of Orthodontists. This certification is granted to less than half of the orthodontists in the United States.

Of course, certifications and rankings aren’t the only factor that you should take into account when determining which orthodontics office you should trust in. Their customer service, costs, ability to work with patients, and the level of confidence you feel in their work should be taken into consideration.

We can’t deny that our practice has become one of the top orthodontics offices in Philadelphia due partly to our use of the Invisalign system. If you have any questions about Invisalign, the Invisalign ranking system, or orthodontics, we would love to hear from you.

Our office is confident that our experience with the Invisalign system can set you up for success in all of your orthodontic goals. No matter your question, Orthodontics Limited is always available to schedule a consultation or evaluation with you to determine your needs. Our wide range of options, from a custom Invisalign treatment to standard braces to pediatric orthodontic treatments, provide you with everything you need to make the choice to commit to your oral health.

You’re only a phone call away from a happier, healthier you.