How to Cope with Getting Braces in College?

Luckily there are more options for orthodontic treatment today then there were even a few years ago. Invisalign is a particularly good option if you are a college student because they are clear and most people won’t even know you are wearing them.

Here are some tips for how to cope with getting braces in college:

Choose the Best Treatment Option for You

No one says you have to spend most of your college years with a metal mouth. Ceramic braces and lingual braces, where the braces are attached to the back side of your teeth, are just as effective and they are less noticeable to wear. And then of course there is Invisalign.

Invisalign braces were designed with the wearer’s comfort in mind. With these braces, you can remove them on your own for short periods of time, like for instance, if it makes it easier to eat or drink something or when you are cleaning and flossing your teeth. Also with Invisalign there are no barriers to getting a proper clean. Remember though that the longer you go without wearing them, the longer the teeth straightening process will take so only remove them when absolutely necessary. It is recommended that you wear them at least 20 to 22 hours a day. There are also no restrictions on what food you can eat like with metal braces.

Take Proper Care of Your Teeth and Braces

Whatever type of treatment you ultimately go for, you need to take proper care of your teeth and braces. If you are living away at college, it is easy to slide into poor hygiene habits, if you are up late studying and partying. No matter how tired you are at night or how rushed you are in the morning, you need to take the time to properly clean your teeth and braces. If you don’t, poor oral hygiene can slow down the treatment process and cause you dental issues as you get older.

All this is especially tricky if you opt for Invisalign aligners which are easily removed. Your parents won’t be around to remind you to wear them every day for the right amount of hours so you need to make sure you are doing it yourself. It is so important to follow the orthodontist’s instructions to a T.

Don’t Be Afraid to Have Fun with It

Sure, you would rather not have to wear braces at all, but it is a rite of passage that most people go through so don’t be embarrassed about it. And you certainly won’t be the only person on your college campus wearing them.

Don’t fight it; embrace it. Have fun with it by getting different color elastics to go with your school colors or change them for the different holiday seasons. Make your braces a part of your personal style and you’ll find yourself no longer embarrassed about wearing braces in college.

Always Remember Why You Are Doing This

Your oral health and overall health is too important to mess with. A little bit of a nuisance is worth it when you consider all the ways crooked or misaligned teeth can affect your health.

They affect your oral hygiene because food can more easily become stuck between crooked teeth and it can be harder to get the toothbrush into those tight spaces in your mouth. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to gum disease and tooth loss and to a host of other illnesses. Did you know that gum disease has been linked to heart disease?

A healthier and straighter smile will also do wonders for your confidence which will help you be more success in college and beyond.

When you don’t feel good about yourself, unfortunately it shows. When you are self-conscious about crooked, stained teeth or gaps in your mouth, you tend to only give tight-lipped smiles and hide your mouth behind your hands when you are talking. Plenty of studies have been done on the benefits of smiling and we know that smiling more makes us feel better about ourselves and influences how other people see you. College is all about meeting new people and exploring the world around you. Don’t let embarrassment about your mouth hold you back from getting the most out of your college experience.

Also keep in mind that your treatment will most likely be done before you graduate so you will be able to face those first job interviews with a confidence that only a healthy, beautiful smile can bring. People are naturally attracted to a beautiful smile so just remind yourself how much brighter your future will be if you take the time now to take care of any orthodontic issues.

Take the Time to Find the Right Orthodontist

While choosing your treatment method very carefully is important so is choosing your orthodontist. College age is a little tricky. You are probably still on your parents’ insurance and they might feel like they should be making any final decisions because they are paying for it, but as a young adult you should be starting to have a say as well.

Be sure to be a part of the vetting process. Your dentist will give you and your parents a couple of recommendations for an orthodontist, but you create a short list of the best orthodontists in the area through research and recommendations and then make a point to set up consultations with your top choices.

Remember that you don’t need to go with the first orthodontist you meet with. Don’t be afraid to speak up to your parents if you don’t like the treatment options they are offering or if you get a bad vibe from the condition of the office or from how the staff treats you.

You have every right to pick someone who will give you the best experience possible. Consider Orthodontics Limited for all your orthodontic needs. Drs. Pale, Gemmi and Middleberg offer all the latest technology in their offices and they always stay current on important trends in their field.

For more information about planning for your orthodontic care, contact Orthodontics Limited today and set up your free initial consultation.