Questions To Ask Your Orthodontist Before Getting Braces Or Invisalign

questions to ask an orthodonitist

Starting an orthodontic treatment can be stressful, especially if you have no experience with braces or Invisalign. No matter what kind of treatment you opt for, there are a few questions that you should ask your orthodontist in order to make sure you understand what is going to happen with your treatment and what you can do to ensure it progresses as quickly as possible. Once you have the answers to these questions, you should feel more comfortable to proceed with treatment.

How long will my treatment last?

How long your treatment will last will depend on your mouth, the kind of treatment you and the orthodontist have elected, and how compliant you are with the orthodontist’s instructions. Those with only mild problems may only have to wear their braces for eighteen months. Others will wear their braces for years. While Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg will not be able to give you a firm date for the completion of treatment, he will likely be able to give you a general timeline.

How often do I need to see a dentist during treatment?

Just because you will be seeing Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg on a regular basis does not mean that you do not have to see a dentist on a regular basis, as well. Your dentist will be able to tell you where you need to give more attention with your toothbrush ensure that your teeth and brackets are as clean as possible, helping to prevent cavities and other issues that are often more common during orthodontic treatment.

How often will I need to have an appointment with my orthodontist?

How often you meet with Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg will again depend on your type of treatment and Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg’s schedule. Some treatments require new wires every two weeks, while other treatments might only need an appointment once a month in order to progress on the right timeline. Knowing how often you will need to meet with Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg before you even get your braces on will help you start planning your life around these appointments.

What should I do if I lose a bracket?

While losing or breaking a bracket does not happen to everyone who gets metal or ceramic braces, for those that play contact sports, play a wind instrument, or are not careful about what they eat while wearing braces, it is a possibility. Knowing what Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg wants you to do if you do lose or break a bracket, before you have any brackets on your teeth, is a good way to be prepared for the unexpected.

What should I do if I lose an aligner?

If you have opted for Invisalign, it is possible, at any moment in time, that you may lose an aligner. Because they are thin, clear plastic, it is easy to take them out, set them down somewhere, and forget to pick them back up. Your orthodontist likely has a special procedure he wants you to follow if you do lose your aligners. Make sure you know what that procedure is well before you are in danger of ever losing one.

What should I do if my wire moves?

A shifted wire may not seem like a big deal, but it comes with two major complications, the first being that it can be majorly painful. If a wire shifts out of the brackets, it can poke your cheek or the back of your gums, making it very painful to eat, drink, and talk. Wires are designed to perform a specific function at a specific place, and if they are out of alignment, they are not going to move the teeth correctly. Knowing what Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg wants you to do if this occurs will help you prepare for this situation, if it ever happens.

What should I do if I have a more serious emergency?

While you are wearing braces or Invisalign aligners, it is possible that you will have a more serious dental emergency. Dentists can usually handle cavities as they normally wood, but broken or missing teeth are a more serious issue. Because you are wearing braces or aligners, it is important to know what Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg wants you to do if you do, at any point, happen to break or lose a tooth.

What should I eat and drink?

Your orthodontist will likely give you a list of foods that are acceptable during your treatment time. This information should be carefully followed, as it will prevent a number of serious problems. Knowing what you can eat and what to avoid will help you to mentally prepare for your braces or Invisalign aligners.

Is there anything I should absolutely not eat or drink?

Your orthodontist will also probably give you a list of foods that you should absolutely avoid. This will generally include things like sticky candy, hard fruits, and other crunchy or sharp foods. Anything that is too crunchy or too hard can break brackets and make treatment more difficult. Sticky food can adhere to brackets and teeth, making them more difficult to clean or even pulling wires out of alignment.

What is my treatment going to include?

Knowing what your treatment is going to include is also a great way to mentally prepare for the process. While Dr. Gemmi and Dr. Middleberg may not know exactly what he wants to try and when, it will be beneficial to know what facets of treatment he is thinking of using.

How involved will I need to be in my treatment?

There are some aspects of braces that are going to require more patient involvement than others. Rubber bands, expandable bridges, and headgear all rely on the patient’s compliance in order to work properly. Knowing whether or not you will have treatments like this will let you know how involved you might need to be in your own treatment.