
Orthodontics Limited is an Orthodontist with offices located in Philadelphia, PA and Hatboro, PA. We specialize in Braces, Invisalign, and Invisalign Teen. Here are some resources to help guide your research.

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How Genetics Affect Your Smile

When it comes to your dental health, we tend to focus on our daily habits of brushing and flossing and cutting back on eating sugary and real acidic...

Dr. Charles Gemmi in Blog, Braces

Free Orthodontist Exam

2017 Back to School Hair Trends

If you are like most kids, you are probably look at the start of the school year as a chance as a clean slate, to redefine yourself. What better way...

Dr. Charles Gemmi in Blog

Invisalign Guide

Smiling Affects Your Brain

How Smiling Affects Your Brain

A smile may seem like such a simple thing that we tend to overlook its importance to our physical and mental well-being. Don’t discount your smile...

Dr. Charles Gemmi in Blog

Smiling Affects People

How Smiling Affects Those Around You

There is much talk on how smiling is good for us, but let’s not be selfish shall we. Smiling also has a big positive impact on those around us at...

Dr. Charles Gemmi in Blog